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Video dell’intervista di Michele Monina a Bruco nel programma Music Leaks

Disponibile su 361tv il video dell’intervista di Michele Monina a Bruco per la sessantottesima puntata del programma Music Leaks . Clicca qui per guardala :

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Designed & developed by WolfThemes a Power Elite Author, Tune is an awesome, pixel perfect and powerful music WordPress theme. It is made simple and functional right out of the box, yet offer high customization for more advanced users.

It includes all the features you need to create a solid fan base online: music player, social media integration, event list, discography, video & photo gallery, and so on; and it doesn’t require any coding knowledge.

You can change the main appearance of your website very easily by using our enhanced WordPress customizer and see the changes instantly in the live preview.

It includes a tailored version of WPBakery Page Builder ($34 value), the most powerful page builder out there, with a lot of additional elements and custom styles to suit the amazing design of the theme. All the demo content, including menus, medias, products, custom post types and everything, can be imported on your server in one single click to make it easier for you to get started with your website.

Tune WordPress theme includes a shop feature powered by WooCommerce, the best eCommerce platform for building your online business.

You can also create amazing sliders with the Slider Revolution plugin ($25 value) that comes in its full version in your theme package. Simply install it automatically on theme activation and have access to all sliders included in the theme demo.

Additionally, Tune is designed to work with the most commonly used plugins out there, like SEO by Yoast, Contact Form 7, Post Types Re-Order, WPML, Loco Translate etc…

So let’s get started and purchase Tune on Envato market to create an amazing website now!


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